We use all kinds of enzyme treatments at the spa, but there is truly nothing out there that can compare to DMK Enzyme Therapy! Since you learned all about enzyme treatments in the last edition of The Weekly Newsletter, I’m going to dive deeper here into what makes DMK different. 

What is DMK Enzyme Therapy? What Does DMK Enzyme Therapy Do? 

Unlike other enzyme treatments, DMK Enzyme Therapy works on the surface of the skin and targets the root of imbalance or dysfunction on a deeper cellular level. It does not use protein dissolving enzymes like other treatments, DMK is world-renowned as the only company in the world to utilize the beneficial effects of transfer messenger enzymes that the skin already recognizes to trigger it to function properly, develop its own natural enzymes, boost natural collagen levels, and repair itself. This treatment circulates blood and oxygen flow to detoxify your skin so it can function as young, healthy skin does. This is incredible because it is truly healing the skin from the outside in and restoring your skin to its genetic potential, not just removing the top layers. So the results are long lasting too! 

Think about your skin like there is a factory underneath it – if there is something wrong on the outside of your skin (hyperpigmentation, acne, rosacea, eczema, etc), we know something is not working properly under the surface. Don’t just put a band-aid (or a pimple patch) over the issue! DMK Enzyme Therapy Treatments work with the skin to restore it to peak condition, strengthen its structural integrity, and deeply exfoliate by hydrolyzing excess cuticle (dead skin cells).

Why Mags Cathey Spa Loves

DMK Enzyme Therapy


    • Great for all skin types and all conditions

    • Boasts long lasting results 

    • Restores skin to genetic potential

    • True Skin Revision!

How Does DMK Enzyme Therapy Feel? What Does the Plasmatic Effect Feel Like? 

If you’ve seen my stories on Instagram, you know that I have had this enzyme treatment myself! I’m happy to report that beauty actually doesn’t necessarily mean pain in this case! 

As your mask sits and hardens for 45 minutes, it stimulates your capillaries by dilating the channels to pump fresh, nutrient-rich, oxygenated blood to the skin to flush away impurities, toxins, and free radicals through your lymphatic drainage system and stimulate collagen production. 

With the increased blood circulation, you might feel a pulsing sensation, like a gentle heartbeat in your face. Don’t worry, that’s just the plasmatic effect in action helping your skin dissolve dead skin and achieve homeostasis, a perfectly balanced environment for your cells to thrive in. When the mask is removed, you will often see the trademarked Plasmatic Effect (visible capillaries), which is proof that it’s done its job. 


Does DMK Enzyme Therapy Work? How Does DMK Enzyme Therapy Work? 

Holy smokes, let me tell you, it is a game-changer! I guarantee that you will leave the spa with a brighter, clearer, tighter, firmer, more toned complexion. I can not recommend this enough to anyone interested. 

Completely resetting your skin to its original baby freshness takes time, maintenance, and consistency, like going to the gym, but for your face. You can upgrade your next facial to include DMK Enzyme Therapy, but I highly recommend purchasing a series of at least 6 sessions to get the full benefits. Sun damage created over years and years of exposure will take more than just one treatment to lift! Email me to purchase a DMK Enzyme Therapy package and I will let you know if I recommend 4-12 weekly treatments for your skin type and conditions.

DMK Enzyme Therapy Benefits

  • Increases circulation & oxygen flow

  • Brightens complexion 

  • Hydrolyzes dead skin cells

  • Tightens & firms

  • Exercises facial muscles

  • Normalizes metabolism

  • Improves lymphatic drainage

  • Detoxifies 

  • Heals your skin from the outside in

Suggested for

Mature Skin – glycation, sun damage, aging skin, cellulite, stretch marks

  • Lifting, lymphatic drainage, detoxification, activation of metabolic processes, improving the nourishing of skin cells, stimulated new collagen and elastin formation, deep hydration of the skin

Acne – all grades

  • Normalized metabolic activity and secretory activity of the sebaceous glands, flushing of bacteria, decreasing inflammation

Hyperpigmentation – Sun Damage, Melasma

  • Surface pigment removal, normalization of metabolic processes and melanogenesis

Pre- and Post-Operative Period

  • Heals skin quicker, prevention of pathological scarring formation, restored blood circulation

Acute Dermatitis – Rosacea, Eczema, Psoriasis, Telangiectasia

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